The Mastermind

Omar Salman

Omar is a big visionary person and long-term strategic planner, who acquired during his life many intellectual, creative and physical skills that enable him to implement some of his ideas and help him expand his perceptions. He always has the desire to change the processes that are wrong, and to develop solutions that solve the problem from its roots.

Omar’s Skills lists

Omar’s Branding Skills

  • Brand building
  • Brand Management
  • Brand Strategy developing
  • Brand identity Designing
  • Brand naming
  • Brand Story writing
  • Brand Architecture
  • Brand Promise
  • Brand Personality
  • Brand Core value
  • Brand Vision & Mission
  • Brand Culture
  • Brand Purpose
  • Brand Activation
  • Loyalty Systems
  • Brand Progress Criteria
  • Branding Implementation
  • Brand analysis
  • competitors brand analysis
  • Brand risk management

Omar’s Design Skills

  • Brand identity design
  • Visual Communication
  • Visual Storytelling 
  • 3D designing & Modeling
  • Motion design
  • Packaging Design
  • Ui/ux design
  • Publication design
  • Web & app design
  • color psychology
  • shapes psychology
  • design principles
  • Icon design
  • Font Design

Omar’s Marketing Skills

  • (SEO) Search Engine Optimization
  • (SEM) Search Engine Marketing
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Customer Outreach
  • Content creation
  • Marketing content writing
  • Pricing

Omar’s project management Skills

  • Organizational Culture
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Change Management
  • Project Management
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Business Writing
  • Project Charter
  • Project Planning
  • Risk Management
  • Task Estimation
  • Procurement
  • Quality Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Project Execution
  • Coaching
  • Influencing
  • Agile Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Scrum
  • Persuasion and influence

Omar’s Content creation Skills

  • image composition
  • video editing
  • Video production
  • image Retouching
  • Sketch drawing
  • paint drawing
  • sound editing
  • content writing
  • SM Post Design

Brands that collaborated with Omar

Brands that collaborated with Omar salman

Contact with Omar Salman

Contact Form Demo (#3)